Thursday, January 17, 2013


Apologies for the low-quality phone photos (they were originally posted via instagram). Cell phone and instagram photos are great for many reasons, but image quality - at least in my case - is certainly not among them.

Anyway, 2013!! These paintings are in-progress shots of works that will be up in a group show, Sacred, this Friday at a new small art space in town, the Rear Gallery. The three pieces are all monochromatic, geometrically-based watercolors that represent Planes of Meditation: abstract linear forms on which the mind can be cleared of all else while vision is focused on the lines of color. It's been a fun series to paint, and I'm really looking forward to the show and other events to come in this brand new space.

Hoping it's a great year for all of us!

> > > < < <

More about the gallery here.


  1. they look great good luck with the show

  2. Congrats, Sara!! I can't wait to see the final product, all grouped together... Do lots of Instagramming this Friday!! xx
