This was originally intended as a post featuring two artists whose illustrations I find inspirational and wonderful, but I had so many images saved that I figured it would be best to dedicate a post to each. More to come!
An illustrator since 1962, Bob Pepper was quite prolific throughout the following two decades and in his own words "during the 70's & 80's [I] was well known and thought of as an artist who did decorative stylized approaches to serious subjects."
I don't even remember the first time I saw his art, but whenever it was - his work and style have really stuck with me! That his illustrations are from a time when artists worked without any kind of digital aid makes them all the more stunning and impressive to me. Long live the hand drawn!

He is also the artist behind the iconic Forever Changes album cover by Love:

I loved the insight he gave in this short Q&A here on his work:
"My technique is to cement down charcoal paper, float water into areas of the illustration, and border the area with dark gouache which spreads and settles in the warpings of the wet paper. After that dries flat, I float dyes on top to color the area. I love the whole process of illustration, but mostly the research and bringing together of many different parts to form a coherent whole design that I like. I also think that your state of mind, (what interests you) has, really, everything to do with it!"

Images sourced here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and more in my flickr favorites.
I just love Pepper's art. Gorgeous. Thanks for posting!